Medicare For All

Something I wrote this morning for Artists With Warren:

"No American should ever, ever die or go bankrupt because of health care costs. No more GoFundMe campaigns to pay for care. No more rationing insulin. No more choosing between medicine and groceries."

This should be obvious. This should not be partisan. This should not be controversial. We are the richest society in the history of the world, and yet this has to be said. Yes, we need to pay for it, but universal healthcare shouldn't be treated like a fantasy entertained by some fringe figure. It shouldn't the subject of a "gotcha" question by a smarmy Sunday morning pundit trying to prove how serious and hard hitting they are. Treating this subject as frivolous while you have the best care money can buy and others are dying.... if that's not privilege, I don't understand the word.

As artists, I'm assuming you all have some variation on this story: twenty years ago- next Friday, to be exact- a musical hero of mine passed after a long battle with cancer. At a get-together after the funeral, someone mentioned that while it was a sad occasion, he was happy that we weren't having to arrange a fund raiser for the family's expenses. Everyone remarked on how fortunate that was.

With our help, the end of that begins today. Organize your canvasses, put together your phone banks, Reach your neighbors.... and let's win this fight.

Ending the Stranglehold of Healtcare Costs on American Families

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